The Shonai Shrine situated in the park was built on the site of the former principal compound of Tsurugaoka Castle in 1877 with cooperation from people who lived throughout the Shonai district. The museum exhibits valuable collections such as the soldiers’ historical tools associated with the Lord, and artistic handicrafts. It also displays seasonal exhibits, including hina dolls, the set of dolls for the hinamatsuri festival, and dolls for the Boy’s Festival.
4-1 Baba-cho, Tsuruoka City
TEL 0235-22-8100
[Open hours] 9.00-16.30
[Days not open] When preparing of exhibitions
[Entry Fees/ ¥]Adults: 200, High school/Junior high school students: 100,
Primary Students: 50, (¥50 discount for a group of 15 or more)